This page links to talks written by Mark T. Holder using reveal.js. See for other talks and links associate with my work.

  1. GBIF OT ot-gbif lightning talk.
  2. BIOL 420: "Computer Science for Biology" Guest lecture (2022) git intro
  3. BIOL 420: "Computer Science for Biology" Guest lecture (2022) Python classes
  4. ISU Guest Lecture (2020) Open Tree of Life lecture
  5. My probability tutorial for the Midwest Phylogenetics workshop (2019)
  6. My likelihood tutorial for the Midwest Phylogenetics workshop (2019)
  7. A set of pages that write up John Huelsenbeck's dice simulation of a character on a phylogentic tree.
  8. My Open Tree of Life overview for Trees in the Desert workshop (2019)
  9. BIOL 428 Systematics Guest Lecture (2019) Open Tree of Life lecture
  10. Python tutorial (not a reveal presentation, but related to the next presentation on this list)
  11. Some non-basic git topics KU, March 1 2018.
  12. Introduction to shell programming KU, April 1 2017.
  13. Missing data in phylogenomics discussion at the Society for Systematic Biology's meeting in Baton Rouge, LA, USA in Jan. 2017.

The source repository for these slides is